Conference abstracts, presentations, news and more.
Well done to our ASSET NZ presenters at the ANZSN Conference 2023!
From left: Prasad Ravi, Nick Cross, Angela Webster, Merryn Jones and Johanna Birrell. Prasad Ravi presenting ASSET NZ Mental illness in patients with kidney failure in Aotearoa New Zealand: a descriptive analysis Johanna Birrell presenting ASSET NZ Geographic...
AcceSS and Equity in Transplantation (ASSET) New Zealand: Protocol for population-wide data linkage platform to investigate equity in access to kidney failure health services in New Zealand
Published August 25 2022 ASSET investigators aim to create a comprehensive and enduring data-linkage platform to enable collaborative health services research in New Zealand. This protocol outlines the processes of establishing the ASSET linked data platform and...
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